I try to choose three out of five numbers above, see the answers below!
- "oh, officers, there's no reason to give me a traffic ticket for going too fast because I was just on my way to the hospital to see my wife who is in serious condition". in any condition, police officer can't take your excuses, if you are in the wrong situation then you are judged wrong.
- "I'm going to leave my part-time job because I don't have enough time for my homework". this is a fallacy because of part-time job is a part-time, you don't need to leave it because you can do it anytime you want to, after you finish your homework then you can continue your part-time job.
- "I know the exam is graded based on performance, but you should give me an a, my cat has been sick, my car broke down, and I've had a cold so it was really hard for me to study". this is a fallacy because in any condition you should study and prepare for your examination, especially if your teacher has announced it.
Latihan soal di atas merupakan latihan analisa dan mengarang untuk menjelaskan sisi negatif dari 3 statement yang dipilih dari 5 statement pada soal, dengan berlatih menganalisa statement kita akan lebih paham tentang bahasa Inggris terutama apabila kita berlatih untuk mengarang sebuah kalimat.
Falasi merupakan kecacatan atau pola pikir yang sesat yang ada pada suatu hal, dari 5 statement yang tertera pada soal, dipilihlah 3 karena kalimat-kalimat statement tersebut terdapat sisi negatif yang seharusnya tidak dijadikan argumen.
Pelajari Lebih Lanjut
Definisi dari sesat pikir atau logical fallacy:
- brainly.co.id/tugas/29187377
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